School Management Software
“School Automation System”, software developed to automate all kinds of operations that have to be performed in day to day activities for a school. The software targets to keep a record of all type of information required for a school and then perform operations like add new data, search for information, modify information and delete operation.
The software is targeted to be as user friendly as possible. To support this, the software has a very user friendly Graphical User Interface. It also guides the user with appropriate massages whenever required. The software is also designed to incorporate enhancements on the basis of the client specific requirements.
As the name suggests this forms the backbone of a school and properly monitors progress of a child which can be a deciding factor for the success of student and in turn, the school.
Available Modules
To record general information of all students. This module deals with general information of the students. This includes information like admission date, contact address, parent’s occupation and many more. Whenever there is a new admission, the information can be entered into the database. Also, the existing information can be modified, searched and deleted. Some of the other options available in this module are :
- Export students data to excel file
- Section allotment
- TC
- Admission Register
- Scholar Register
- Previous School Details
- Left out students data
- Class wise student data
- Mailing Lists
- Bus List
- Month wise Birthdays List
- Transfer register
- Many other various types of reports
To keep records of marks of the students for all types of exams for each class. Marks for previous classes can be found whenever required. This information can be modified and removed if required. Some of the other options available in this module are :
- Roll No Allotment
- Attendance Entry
- Class wise mark list
- Marks entry according to CCE Pattern as per CBSE Norms
- Mark sheet print according to CCE Pattern as per CBSE Norms
- Many other various types of reports
Maintain monthly fee record of all students. This software maintains monthly fee status for all students. Monthly fee includes tuition fee, bus charges, etc. It is capable of informing the last month when the student has given his fee, what is his current balance, how much he is to pay this month, etc. Some of the other options available in this module are :
- Advance fee entry
- Monthly fee status
- Individual fee collection
- Date wise Fee Collection
- Defaulters Month wise
- Month wise exemptions
- Fee certificate
Record general information of employees of the school. Schools need to have some type of information about their employees like qualification, experience, grade, address, salary, joining date and more. This application is designed to deal with all types of information about the employees. This information can be modified, found, removed according to user’s requirements. Some of the other options available in this module are :
- Current Staff Data Print
- Left out Staff Data Print
- Mailing List
- Month wise Birthdays List
- Month wise Wedding anniv. List
- Bus List
- Pay Slip
- Salary Sheet
- PF Challan, Returns & other formats Print
- ESI Challan, Returns & other formats Print
Recording the information related to income and expenditure. In this software fees received from students and salary give to staff members is managed as discussed above. Now for rest of the accounting entries like payment of some type of bills like electricity bill, internet connection bill etc can be done in Tally. We have linked our software with Tally so that normal accounting vouchers can be entered in Tally and Fees plus salary part can be transferred to Tally from our software on click of one button, and hence handles the whole accounting of the Institute.
Sending SMS to parents/ staff members related to holidays, events, greetings, dues, news etc.
Benefits to Institute
- Saving of Paper, printing and stationary costs.
- Saving of Manpower cost for typing, printing, cutting and folding of paper and distribution of slips.
- Saving of a lot of precious time, electricity, photocopying etc.
- Saving in Telephone bills for contacting parents through phones.
- Saving of Manpower cost for contacting parents through phones and others means.
- Saving in advertisement costs for admission notices and advertisement.
- Getting fees on time.
- Getting rid of complaints from parents that they are not informed about the activities in the Institute.
- Ensuring 100% secured delivery of the messages to parents within seconds.
- Getting good and tech savvy image for your coaching institute
- The entire system in menu-driven.
- Duplication in feeding of information is avoided.
- Standardization of calculation and other reporting procedures is there.
- The system would provide for necessary cheeks and validations at various levels to ensure data consistency.
- The operation of the system will be secured through a password. The unauthorized user cannot have the access to the system.
- The system would provide a user-friendly interface.
- The desired information can be gathered timely.
In the system different LOVs (List of Values) are used. Each LOV contain list of items. These are selective items and the data associated with them may be directly entered or user may invoke the list of available options (LOV) and select the option by highlighting it and clicking.
After insertion of each new record, deletion of record, and updating of record the user has to conform ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ on ‘No’ no information is saved.
In the system, the data entered by the user for each field is validated and checked by validations written for that field and controlled by flashing the message in the message line and changing the background color of the field.
No nee to remember short-cut keys as you do in a D.O.S. based or FoxPro based software, because you can get everything on mouse clicks.
Easily operable on small or large networks, where D.O.S. based or FoxPro based software fails.